2002 Subaru WRX Sedan
2002 Subaru WRX Sedan
Proper brake cooling is important for any serious weekend race car or dedicated track car. The benefits of cooler brakes is a more consistent pedal feel and stopping distance under extreme braking situations. In the past, basic Subaru brake cooling kits consisted of a basic bracket that bolted onto the hub and some brake ducting hose. While this got the job done on cars with wider tires having the tire rub the brake ducting hose and wear a hole through the hosing became a problem.
To combat this Fine Line Imports created are own brake duct kit. The key feature that separates this brake duct kit to any other on the market are the custom designed brake cooling hard pipes that are cut and welded into the frame rails in order to maintain full lock to lock turning without rubbing the tires on the brake duct hosing. This package is perfect for the weekend race car or for cars running wide tires. If you have any questions one these brake ducts do not hesitate to contact Fine Line Imports directly.